2024-2025 PTA Executive Board
Christa Levine, President Contact: president@marshalllanepta.org
Amber Ulrich, Executive VP Contact: execvp@marshalllanepta.org
Lixia Wu, Treasurer Contact: treasurer@marshalllanepta.org
Lucy Briseno, VP of MLEF Contact: mlef@marshalllanepta.org
Steph Contro, VP of Family Engagement Contact: families@marshalllanepta.org
Bryan Meyer, VP of Communications Contact: communicationsvp@marshalllanepta.org
Rashma Patel, VP of Fundraising Contact: fundraising@marshalllanepta.org
Meena Venkateswaran, VP of Programs Contact: programs@marshalllanepta.org
Eileen Weinstein, Parliamentarian Contact: parliamentarian@marshalllanepta.org
Nazak Noorian, Recording Secretary
Cortney Harper, Auditor
Michele Busque, Deputy of Communications
Amy Vanderbosch, Principal Contact: avanderbosch@campbellusd.org
Michelle Beddo, Assistant Principal Contact: mbeddo@campbellusd.org
Janine Matheson, Teacher Representative Contact: jmatheson@campbellusd.org